We add value to your BTS OL thanks to specialisations that are both fascinating and sought-after in the optical sector
Depending on their sensibilities, personality and ambition, each BTS OL graduate can specialise in their preferred area. An excellent way to combine learning and enjoyment by giving free rein to their affinities on a course with specialisations that are both fascinating and sought-after by optical professionals. Paramedical, management, spectacle manufacturing and design, and fashion are therefore on the programme of the Bac+3 level specialisations offered by ISO.
Vocational Degree in Opticianry
Offered as a sandwich course (two days studying/three days internship), this specialisation in Optometry, Contactology and sight impairment, is aimed at young opticians who want to add value to their BTS-OL. By developing their expertise in the paramedical field, they can position themselves as bona fide visual health professionals.
Bachelor’s in Vision Sciences
Available full-time or as a sandwich course (two days studying, three days internship), the Bachelor’s in Vision Sciences is a Bac+3 level course specialising in optometry, contactology and sight impairment.
By improving their level of knowledge and their specific aptitudes, holders of the Vocational Degree in Opticianry or the Bachelor’s in Vision Sciences will be able to provide an effective visual service to the public, and will also have the resources to deal with any future changes in their business.
Bachelor’s in Optical Management
In response to market changes, and encouraged by several major optician chains, ISO has created and developed a unique Bac+3 course: the Bachelor’s in Optical Management (BMO).
Management, marketing, administration: the educational aim of the BMO is to immerse the student in the company by preparing them to exercise their responsibilities, manage a company, and supervise and lead a team. This specialisation is offered as a sandwich course for practical application of knowledge and integration into the employment market. This course, prepared in collaboration with managers of top optical groups, professionals in the sector and teachers from grandes écoles of commerce and management, enables students to stand out from the crowd and succeed.
Offered as a sandwich course with two days of classes per week (Monday and Tuesday) and three on the internship, the programme has 445 hours of teaching spread across one year.
There is a professional project with a viva at the end of the year. The course is organised into 6 teaching units: administration, selling, anticipating, management and two complementary modules (management basics and project management).
Bachelor’s in Spectacle Manufacturing and Design
The Bachelor’s in Spectacle Manufacturing and Design is a vocational course at Bac+6 level, specialising in design and spectacle manufacturing. The most creative young graduates, attracted by the upmarket products and new trends, can thus express their talent. By specialising in their preferred area on this highly innovative course, they can enrich their artistic culture in the long term. Because it promotes spectacle manufacturing expertise with a focus on design, the BLC is very popular with optical professionals. These specialist opticians are now in great demand as companies are increasingly seeking ways to stand out from the crowd.
The course lasts one year full-time, comprising 500 hours of teaching and an 8-week internship at the end of the course.
A passion for spectacles is the main focus of the programme, which is based on 3 areas: product design, concept-store design and service design.